The Exeter Women group’s motto is, “Republican women are the life of the party,” and that’s no joke.
On June 3, instead of their monthly meeting, the Exeter Republican Women Federated (ERWF) decided to throw a pop-up fundraiser party, and invited candidate for governor Major Williams to be their headline speaker.
They sold out of their 100 tickets in three days and 110 showed up for the event.
When going to an ERWF event you can be sure of three things: a lot of men will show up, there will be dancing and you will learn something new.
Williams immediately connected to the enthusiastic group easing into his speech after the band warmed up the audience. The crowd responded to his words with applause and several “amens” as he presented a fresh new voice and a sight for sore eyes compared to his tired Republican competition.
Williams spoke of his support for gun rights, voter ID and lowering taxes while acknowledging that many in the room had probably never heard of him.
“I’m not who you would choose possibly,” said Williams, “but for the times that we are in right now I am the missing piece of the puzzle.”
‘It’s time to think Major for Governor’
Williams slogan, “It’s time to think Major for Governor, it’s time to think Major about California,” sets the tone for his campaign.
But he uses it as an affirmation not just a cool political slogan.
According to KUSI News, Williams made history by getting the most votes as a first-time candidate in his unsuccessful run for Pasadena mayor in November 2020.
“The man became an entrepreneur at the tender age of 13 and has never looked back since. Now, he’s got his sights set for Sacramento,” said KUSI.
Williams told the crowd he was the product of the projects of Dallas, Texas. “I have a lot of grit and at the same time I understand what’s needed right now.”
His Restore CA Plan outlines on his website realistic solutions for the state. He gave the example of homelessness being a complex problem, but one that could be alleviated through more mental health hospitals and rehabilitation programs that demand accountability.
He told the audience, “You have to get behind the candidate that can appeal to more than just Republicans.” Williams continued, “It’s not just about winning the recall, it’s about who can win in 2022. What can we get done in just a year and a half? Pat ourselves on the back?”
When asked how he would win over the Democrat vote Williams said “through my story, through my persistence and showing up.”
“I used to be a Democrat,” he said.
He said his mother used to tell him that the Democrats loved them because his family received a check every month. When he was young he said he had a victim mentality and that he thought everything wrong in his life was someone else’s fault.
But when he understood the truth his life changed completely and immediately.
“Republicans don’t put one foot on the ground in certain areas because they don’t want to spend the money, but I can go into different environments. … They don’t think we care to even come to those communities. And I don’t care if they call me an Uncle Tom. I don’t care if they call me a coon. I’ll still say, ‘Hey, what’s up?’”
The campaign ahead
Williams said he has been running for governor all year but is still facing some seasoned Republicans with a lot more name recognition.
The top five Republican candidates running in the recall election against Governor Newsom are John Cox, businessman and 2018 gubernatorial runner-up; Kevin Faulconer, former mayor of San Diego (2014–2020); Caitlyn Jenner, transgender reality show personality; Richard Grenell, former ambassador to Germany; and Doug Ose, former Congress member and 2018 candidate for governor.
Democrats have yet to field a known candidate. The party is currently debating whether to field a viable candidate to compete against Governor Gavin Newsom or just focus on defeating the recall.
The recall election is anticipated to take place in November of this year.
Mr. Williams, you say you got into politics about 4-5 yrs ago which tells me you are quite aware of what is currently required for you to win as a Republican in today’s world (especially here in the San Joaquin Valley). As a member of the Republican Party who is running for a public office on the Republican ticket do you endorse your party’s terroristic MAGA tactics? Are you a supporter/protector of the attack on our Nation’s Capital? Do you think that the homegrown terrorist attackers were simply behaving like a tourist group? Do you believe that the attack on our Nation’s Capital is a nothing-burger or a seditious act of terrorism? Do you approve of Donald Trump the man and the manner in which he ran his administration? Do you approve of Donald Trump as a role model and the leader of your Republican Party? Do you believe that the end justifies the means as long as it means winning? Will you turn a blind eye to what is best for the country if it means going against your party’s agendas? Do you believe that it is okay to use voting rights as a political tool in order to win elections? Do you believe that every voters “vote” needs to be cherished, respected, and protected? Who do you believe is currently the rightful winner in his bid for the presidency, Biden or Trump? Where are your personal trust, honor, and loyalty placed with first, the Republican Party or your country? Do you publicly denounce those who dishonor their oath of office when they stifle and curb the ability and duty of other elected officials from governing, making it harder if not impossible to find common ground? Do you believe compromise is necessary while governing? Your talking points are at a minimum similar or at most the same as other Republicans currently serving in public offices. As a matter of conscious I could never vote for anyone who wears the moniker of a Republican who will not forcefully and loudly denounce in total what their party has evolved into, the embracing of seditious terrorists and the protection of those who are working to destroy our government’s institutions and our government. BTW on your website there was this: “Other projects of Major’s include a tiny home property development in Texas, which he established for his mother and sisters, and a media company.” Would you care to elaborate on the actual size and purpose of this property development (some Texans have been known to view size differently than most 🙂 ) and of course what type of media company and its purpose?
Barbra, with all do respect, the Republican Party has divided, but this man has the ability to reunite it. So what if he supports Trump as of 2016-now, that’s his right as an American. He has as much right to believe as he does as you do. You cannot hold somebody accountable for the actions of one man.
Bob with all due respect I can and do exercise my right to hold individuals running for public offices accountable for the political choices they make in life. If he stays silent about the actions of Trump and Trump’s Republican Party, even if he doesn’t personal condone their actions, by his very silence he enables “him and them” to continue their terror on America.
Barbara, “I do exercise my right to hold individuals running for public offices accountable for the political choices they make in life,” Really? Care to answer my questions about Gaslight now? This is an state isssue/s. Please give us readers your perspective of the state of the state now. Do you care to comment on how gaslights wife was recently shown to have reaped millions in monetary gains from her non profit which PG&E, AT&T, and Kaiser contributed to? Please stay disciplined and quit sidestepping my questions. Do exercise that right to hold individuals running for public offices accountable, we would love to hear those talking points as it relates to the state and the loser for a govenor whom has failed us miserably!
I would love to vote for someone other than Newsom who is not a member of a terrorist party. I am hoping for an alternative choice enters the race. The one thing in Newsom’s favor is he isn’t trying to overthrow the government to please Comrade Trump.
I also must add Frank Anonymous that if you think for one minute that the opinion from someone who is too cowardly to even post their full name when opining has any value then you have failed miserably. I may be right ir I may be wrong in what I think and feel but I at least am not afraid to post my full name.
Barbara. Trump only exists if you continue to bring his name up. I respect your view points but we need to let the “terror” of Trump die off with the seasons. And in response to your other comments, A “terrorist party”???? The GOP is like the french Resistance under nazi oppression/military dictatorship in some cases. Give it a rest. Newsom needs to be ousted. He is denying us constitutional rights given to us by the federal government. technically, he is in open rebellion against the U.S. Major Williams is found to be a liar, a crook, and a cheat, and the other candidates cant carry a political tune in a bucket.
I was at that event and got to sit, and speak with Mr. Williams, and he is a great man. He puts partisan politics aside and is ready to lead the charge to make California business friendly again, support the police, and oust majority mail on ballots to make California safe again, and with our help, and with our support, he can, and WILL make California great again.
Major Lied To all of Us guys. He is a BLM rioter, and holds progressive values that would ruin this state. He conned us out of money. He sells his so called merch for a “Donation” that goes straight into his pocket. If you follow the WEB RABBIT HOLES you will find what I did. Politics are not Black and white folks; they are all grey, and the truth is somewhere in-between. GOD SAVE CALIF.