The Truth Act Forum is being held in the Board of Supervisors Chambers at 2800 W. Burrel Ave., in Visalia, at 2:00 p.m. on September 29, 2020. This forum is held pursuant to Government Code section 7283.1 to receive public comment regarding federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) access to individuals for civil immigration enforcement that was given by County law enforcement departments in 2019. Government Code section 7283.1 directs the Board of Supervisors, or the local governing body, to hold the community forum, however, the Board and the County Administrative Officer do not have authority to direct law enforcement activities.
Written public comments can be sent via email to or via mail to the Board of Supervisors, c/o Chief Clerk, 2800 W. Burrel Ave., Visalia, CA 93291. Public comments may be shared with departments; however, the Board of Supervisors, nor the County Administrative Officer have jurisdiction over the law enforcement actions of these departments.
In compliance with the TRUTH Act, staff posted a 30-day notice in the local newspaper for a public forum to be held by the Board of Supervisors on September 29, 2020 at 2:00 p.m. The date of posting was August 26, 2020.
I am a resident of Orosi I live across from The rock quarry myself and all other members of this community have complained about them blasting dynamite over the last couple of months this is destroying our homes and property at this last blast our children were doing their distance learning on zoom and got distracted by the blast 2 of my kids were very afraid thought they were dying. There was a Tulare county sheriff standing there while the blast was going on so I went outside to speak with them to let them know if they felt the shape of the blast he assured me that everything was fine so I let him know no it wasn’t funny and his smart remark was well if you have a problem getting an attorney not knowing that my children were inside and very afraid I thought it was very inappropriate for him to be speaking to me like that . While I was still standing there the man from the quarry we’re telling the sheriff deputy Cleves you s while I was still standing there the man from the quarry we’re telling the sheriff deputy Cleves You should of saw the last blast it destroyed a light pole and there was no electricity and they were all laughing thinking it was something funny what they did . I think this needs to stop