Alan Germany, a former Tulare hospital executive, pleaded not guilty to an array of charges in an arraignment hearing on Wednesday. Judge Jennifer Shirk presided over the hearing held at the Tulare County Superior Court.
For three counts, Germany’s attorney Kevin Rooney filed a demurrer with the court, stating that the allegations — all centering around an allegedly illegal financial interest in Healthcare Conglomerate Associates’ dealings and contracts with the Tulare Local Healthcare District and Southern Inyo Healthcare Districts — were vague and did not specify how he had an illegal interest.
Healthcare Conglomerate Associates previously managed the Tulare Regional Medical Center and Southern Inyo Hospital, both owned by their respective districts.
View note“Mr. Germany is entitled to be advised, with some particularity, which factual theory(ies) of a ‘financial interest’ the prosecution will rely upon,” a filing from Germany’s attorney, Kevin Rooney, read.
Rooney previously represented Germany in a case where Germany, and HCCA CEO Benny Benzeevi, fought to have items returned that were seized in search warrants.
Both Rooney and Germany, the former Chief Financial Officer for Healthcare Conglomerate Associates, dialed into the court via Zoom. Trevor Holly, representing the Tulare County District Attorney’s office, appeared in Department 3 in person.
Holly had two requests for Rooney, Germany and the court: he wanted Germany’s legal team to agree that the case’s jurisdiction was within Tulare County, and he requested a court order that Germany not leave the country and surrender his passport due to the “large-scale fraud and political corruption” the allegations involve.
Rooney and Germany agreed with both requests; Germany’s passport was already in the mail to him, Rooney said.
The next hearing, which will include arguments regarding the demurrer, will be held in Department 3 of the Tulare County Superior Court on September 30 at 8:30am.
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