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Valley Voice

Sheriff on a mission to give out food, masks. Woodville is next!

Sheriff Mike Boudreaux, deputies, explorers, members of the Sheriff’s 6-Point Stars traveling basketball teams and Pastor Jason LeFaive from Seven Oaks Church passed out food and masks Tuesday, August 4, 2020, at Sunnyside Union School, in Plainview.
Pictured: Sheriff Mike Boudreaux, left, and Jason LeFaive, lead pastor at Seven Oaks Church and executive director for CityServe Tulare Kings Counties.

Tulare County Sheriff Mike Boudreaux is on a mission to reach out to the community and help those in need.

On Tuesday, he and deputies, explorers, members of the Sheriff*s 6-Point Stars traveling basketball teams, school officials and church leaders passed out nearly 600 boxes of food and 1,000 masks at Sunnyside Elementary School, in Plainview.

*We want to feed a community and we want to have our community use these masks to be as safe as they possibly can during this time of Covid-19,* he said. *We*re asking the community to really pay attention to the importance of wearing these masks in public.*

The TCSO food and mask giveaways are done in partnership with the USDA and Seven Oaks Church. Lead Pastor Jason LeFaive came to the Plainview giveaway to lend a hand.

*I think they*ve almost eclipsed 10,000 boxes that have been passed out since May when we started this farmers to families,* he said. *I just want to say thank you. Because of the efforts of farmers to family, because of the efforts of Tulare County Sheriff*s PAL, we*ve been able to be a part of this community, to help during this Pandemic.*

The next TCSO Community Food Giveaway and Mask Giveaway is Friday in Woodville.

Woodville: 5-7 p.m. Friday, August 7, at Woodville Elementary School, 16541 Road 168

London: 5-7 p.m., Tuesday, August 11, at Hodges Community Center, 5750 Ave. 378

Waukena: 5-7 p.m., Tuesday, August 18, at Waukena Joint Elementary School, 19113 Road 28

Ducor: 5-7 p.m., Tuesday, August 25, at Ducor Union Elementary School, 23761 Ave. 56

Open to the public while supplies last. Info: Daisy (559) 802-9589


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