South Valley Industrial Collaborative to host a Peer Sharing workshop

The South Valley Industrial Collaborative, an industry-led and industry-driven partnership, will host a special workshop at 2 p.m. on Friday, July 10, at California Dairies, 2000 N. Plaza Drive.

The overall purpose of the gathering is to demonstrate that the SVIC is a partner to industry and to reinforce the value of connections made, thanks to the SVIC, explained chairman Bruce Nicotero of Jo Ann Stores.

“Among the topics for discussion are how businesses are handling employees working from home, and the solutions or work-arounds that employers have discovered and are willing to share,” Nicotero said.

Additional topics for discussion are how employers are communicating with staff and customers, what support they need but are unable to find, resources that have been the most helpful, changes made that will become standard procedures and continued risks and concerns.

“In addition to helping local employers connect, we are hopeful that this time together will result in a clear picture of the SVIC’s role going forward,” Nicotero added.

The workshop will be held at California Dairies, 2000 N. Plaza Drive. To attend in person, register via Eventbrite:

Or participate via Zoom:; Meeting ID: 889 8932 8969; Password: 1GibJG

The South Valley Industrial Collaborative is planning to hold the fourth annual Manufacturing Summit on Oct. 2. For information about either event, contact chairman Bruce Nicotero at 713-3400;


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