But can your dog or others pass the new corona virus to humans?
While corona viruses are common in several types of domestic and wild animals–cattle, horses, dogs, cats, ferrets, camels, and bats, among others–only very rarely can a corona virus be transmitted from an animal to a human.
Bats in particular are thought to be reservoir hosts, infecting humans through a bridge host. In the two previous major corona viruses, SARS and MERS, the transmission to humans came through a bridge host. The masked palm civet is believed to have passed SARS to humans and the dromedary camels passed on MERS after being bitten by infected bats.
This is how the current corona virus, COVID-19, is thought to have passed to humans.
The good news is that, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), there is, as of yet, no evidence to indicate the susceptibility of dogs or cats to this virus or that they will therefore become a vector of infection to other animals or humans.
Late last month, Hong Kong authorities quarantined a dog after samples from the dog’s nasal cavity and mouth tested “weak positive” for COVID-19. The owner had tested positive, but the dog did not present any signs of illness. It is thought to be an instance of human to animal transmission. Viruses can sometimes infect a species but not manifest disease in that species, nor become transmissible to others.
It remains the opinion of the WHO that cats or dogs cannot pass COVID-19 to humans.
The Valley Oak SPCA concurred.
In a recent newsletter it said that the dog quarantined in Hong Kong was in close contact with an infected human who was likely shedding large quantities of the virus. This led to the virus being in the dog’s nose. There is no indication that the dog is sick or showing any symptoms. Authorities say they will continue to quarantine and test the dog to evaluate if the canine patient becomes ill. In short, there was corona virus on the dog just like there was corona virus on the floor in the room but the dog was not infected or diseased.
Canine corona virus (CCoV) is not the same virus as SARS-CoV-2 that causes the novel corona virus (COVID-19). Canine corona virus disease, known as CCoV is usually short-lived but may cause considerable abdominal discomfort for a few days in infected dogs.
If you are ill with COVID-19 but your pet needs to be seen urgently the SPCA has a recommendation.
“No one with active COVID-19 infection should be visiting our clinic because doing so may expose the members of our veterinary healthcare team, as well as other clients, to the disease. You should notify the state public health veterinarian or another designated animal health official for direction as to how to proceed. For California, their info is as follows: Curtis L. Fritz, DVM, MPVM, PHD State Public Health Veterinarian California Department Of Public Health Division of Communicable Disease Control, Infectious Diseases Branch, Veterinary Public Health Section 916‐552‐9740 Cfritz@Cdph.Ca.Gov”
In the mean time here is a list of Dog Parks.
Cody Kelly Dog Bark Park
7701-8989 W. Airport Dr. Plaza Park, Visalia
Seven Oaks Park Dog Park
900 S Edison St/E. Tulare, Visalia
Sunset Park
5743 W Lisendra Dr. Visalia
Exeter Bark Park
137 N F St, Exeter
Porterville Dog Park
2075 W Scranton Ave, Porterville
Kingsburg Dog Park
1250 Laurel St, Kingsburg
Waggin’ Tails Dog Park in Lemoore City Park
957 Tammy Ln, Lemoore