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McCarthy, Nunes, Calvert, Cook, McClintock, and State Senator Grove Oppose Lawsuit Against New Regulations on CA Water

Press Releases from the offices of Representatives Kevin McCarthy and State Senator Shannon Grove

Today, Representatives Kevin McCarthy(CA-23), Devin Nunes (CA-22), Ken Calvert (CA-42), Paul Cook (CA-08), and Tom McClintock (CA-04) issued the following statement after California Attorney General Becerra filed litigation – with the support of Governor Newsom – against the Trump Administration’s new federal regulations that modernize California water policy.

State Senate Republican Leader Shannon Grove (R-Bakersfield)  also issued a statement that follows the Congress members.

“The actions by Governor Newsom and Attorney General Becerra are a slap in the face to Central Valley farmers and the residents of southern California, especially since state officials were in the room as the new federal regulations were being developed. If this litigation is successful, Sacramento Democrats will have succeeded in denying Central Valley farms and communities in southern California, including Los Angeles and San Diego, the water they need to survive and grow the food we all eat. This baseless lawsuit demonstrates the governor and attorney general are playing a dangerous game of politics with California water policy.

“Only four days ago, Newsom sent a letter to the Trump Administration claiming the state wants to find common solutions on water and work together. This litigation – combined with the more than 60 other lawsuits California has filed against the federal government – is the exact opposite of working together, and strains the credibility of those commitments. We and the president remain committed to working in good faith with those who are truly interested in using the best science and latest data to move water south-of-the-Delta while protecting fish and the environment. The new federal regulations do just that. We pray this lawsuit does not ignite decades of litigation and a new water war, which will undoubtedly hurt the Californians we all represent.”

Senate Republican Leader Grove responded to the latest legal action filed by the California Natural Resources Agency and the California Environmental Protection Agency (CalEPA) against the Trump Administration over the biological opinions and water delivery:

“President Trump has taken great strides forward with his water action this week and he is keeping his promise to farmers, growers, and ranchers so they can grow our food. Our President understands where water flows, food grows.

“This latest legal challenge is unacceptable and sends a clear signal that the Governor doesn’t understand where our food comes from. Unfortunately, this lawsuit is another unnecessary attack on California’s hardworking farmers, farm workers, and families.

“These biological opinions include new science that must not be ignored or dismissed. Instead of having access to water to ensure food security, California will face wasted resources and delays with the courts as we deal with this frivolous legal action. Enough is enough.”

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