Are You Ready for Election 2020?

Super Tuesday is only 62 days away and it’s time for everyone to brush up on the issues and decide who they will vote for come March 3! Below is a list of candidate forums to help you make your decision.

Tulare County will be deciding who will be Tulare County Supervisor for District 3: incumbent Amy Shuklian or Realtor Brad Maaske.

March 3 will also determine who will continue to the November 3 General Election for Tulare County Supervisor District 1: incumbent Kyler Crocker, Robyn Stearns, or Larry Micari.

The March 3 primary will also determine who will advance to the general election for congressional Districts 21, 22, and 23. Because there are only two candidates for Assembly District 26, incumbent Devon Mathis and Tulare resident Drew Phelps, will go forward to the general election.

Those registered as No Party Preference can vote in the Democratic Primary but only registered Republicans can vote in the Republican Primary. Please contact the Tulare County Registrar of Voters for your preferred ballot if you want to vote Democrat but are not registered a Democrat.

January 9th – Visalia Republican’s Women Federated Candidate Forum @ Visalia Country Club – 11:30-2:00. Lunch is $20.00 and reservations are required. Only Republican candidates are invited for local races to participate. Chairs will be set up for those who just want to listen without lunch. RSVP is also required for those who just want to listen so the organizers know how many chairs to set up. Please call Deene Souza 559 730-6100

January 14th – Tulare County Board of Supervisors Districts 1 and 3 sponsored by Visalia Chamber & Sun Gazette Forum @ 210 Cafe in Visalia 6:30-8:30pm. All candidates have confirmed.

January 21st – Tulare County Farm Bureau and Exeter Chamber of Commerce Forum @ Exeter Memorial Building 6:30- 8:30pm located at 324 N. Kaweah Ave. For more information contact the Exeter Chamber of Commerce (559) 592-2919. Doors open 6:30pm and the forum will begin at 7pm with moderator asking questions and audience can submit questions in writing. Hosts are the Exeter Chamber and TC League of Women Voters and Farm Bureau.

January 30th – from 6:30-8:45pm at the College of the Sequoias, Ponderosa Hall located at 915 S. Mooney Blvd., Visalia. The Exeter Chamber of Commerce is partnering with the League of Women Voters  for a candidate forum for Congressional District 22 and Assembly District 26 Candidate. Info at 559-732-2009 or email

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