Lindcove Research Center’s Citrus Tasting to be held on December 14

Join us for this wonderful event where you can see and taste more than 100 citrus varieties that are grown at the Lindcove Research Center.

Citrus enthusiasts can have their citrus horticulture and pest management questions answered at the Master Gardener booth as well as from UC Extension personnel.

Taste fruit at your leisure, discuss new low seeded mandarin varieties with Dr. MikealRoose or ask UCCE Advisors Craig Kallsen and Greg Douhanyour citrus questions.

Join us Friday December 14 at 9: 00 am –12:00 in our Education Building

For directions from Visalia take Highway 198 east to Mehrten Drive (Approximately 15 miles) and follow the signs. Event is in our Education Building at 22963 Carson Avenue, Exeter. The Education Building is located at the end of Carson Ave on the right.

For the walking tour meet in front of the Conference Building. Tour lasts from 10:00 – 12:00. At 10:30 tour the demonstration orchard with Dr. Tracy Kahn who will discuss new citrus varieties. At 11:00 tour the new lemon block with Dr. Mikeal Roose and Claire Federici.

Before the tour will be a presentation of the Citrus Clonal Protection Program with Dr. Georgios Vidalakis.

The Lindcove Reasearch and Extention Center is a part of the University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources Department.

The Research & Extension Center brings Scientists from around the State to conduct research into developing and evaluating new citrus varieties, improve citrus production, and protect citrus from pests and plant diseases

Results from their research are shared with growers, homeowners, teachers, and students to bring agriculture to life!

Call Jasmin Del Toro, 559-592-2408 ext1151 for more info or, or visit our website,

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