On Thursday, August 9, Visalia resident and Tulare County Deputy District Attorney Mike Moberly entered the race for Visalia Unified School Board, Area 1.
“As a Criminal Prosecutor, I am dedicated to supporting the highest standards of campus safety and student achievement, “ said Moberly.
Moberly states that once elected, his priorities will be:
- Reducing truancy
- Eliminating bullying,
- Supporting safe schools.
“Working in the criminal justice system for 17 years, I’ve seen the tragic consequences of educational failure for young people: drug addiction; teenage pregnancies; crime. We must do more to prevent these destructive behaviors.”
For 16 years, Moberly served as a volunteer with the High School Mock Trial Program sponsored by the Tulare County Office of Education. He coached the El Diamante Mock Trial Team and volunteered for the “Read to Succeed” adult literacy program.
Moberly and his wife, Karen, have three grown children who all attended Visalia Unified public schools.
For more information you may call Mike Moberly at (559) 731-8975 or Karen Tellalian at 559.739.1747.