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Performing Arts & academic nonprofit to hold concert and dinner on October 13

West Coast Academics, Music and Performing Arts (West CAMPA) non-profit foundation was created to help Tulare County youth. Students from 3-25 years-old will be supported to succeed and achieve their dreams in both school and career. The office for this 501(c3) is housed at Success Learning Center and Visalia Music School.

Imagine a 7-year-old sitting in class, day after day who cannot read. The teacher asks the students to read aloud, and as he stumbles through the paragraph many of the other children giggle. He is humiliated and doesn’t want to return to class the next day. He thinks he is bad because he cannot seem to read. WE CAN HELP THESE STUDENTS. We can teach dyslexic students to read with a multi-sensory program called Orton-Gillingham. We use the sand tray, card pack and blending drills, as the student sees it, says it, hears it and touches it.

Consider a high school student who cannot graduate because she is failing math. As the teacher explains the y-intercept form, her eyes glaze over, she thinks you are speaking gibberish and doesn’t want to hear it, talk about it, or get any help. She doesn’t care if she isn’t graduating from high school and she wants people to just leave her alone when it comes to math. WE CAN HELP THESE STUDENTS. Our math teachers go from Cloud 9, beginning math to Calculus 3. Sometimes we have to see these students as early as 3rd grade to help them understand math.

Have a heart for a music student, who has worked so carefully with his music teacher for 6 months to a year. Every week he sees his teacher alone, as he has mastered his instrument. Then he receives a formal invitation to be included in Advanced Band. This young man is so excited, when they are asked to perform in the Enchanted Theater Showcase and The Relay for Life Music Performance. Then his father tells him that they cannot afford music lessons anymore. He is devastated. WE CAN HELP THESE STUDENTS.

The Tulare County community can come together to help these underserved students. It is not the youth’s fault that their parents cannot afford the cost of lessons. Our hope is that our students can have outside help in all areas of education so that nothing holds them back.

Success Learning Center and Visalia Music School has shown that they can do this. The ratio is 1 teacher to 1 student, or 1 teacher to a small group of 6 students. Look them up on their websites.

We invite you to the Patron of the Arts, Music Concert and Dinner on Saturday, October 13th. Once there you will be able to tour the large campus and see the teachers and instructors working together.

At 6pm we will be enjoying a catered dinner by Fugazzi’s, short-winded speakers, and an unforgettable music experience. Please stay for the silent auction, the live auction and all the fun. Vacation packages, hotel and dinner stays, musical instruments, a custom bar, gift baskets, table decorations monthly packages of lessons and more than we can even mention.

With everyone’s help and support we will be giving 100 youth Academic Education Scholarships and 100 youth Music Scholarships. Our goal is to give them the world, so they can thrive and give back to our community. Consider talking with friends and associates to invite them to this incredible foundation dinner and music concert under the stars. They will be hearing eclectic music, that they will enjoy and talk about for years to come. The cost of the tickets start at $50, and bring extra to bid on all our fun auction items.

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