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Valley Voice

TSA Implements New Screening Procedures for Carry-On Baggage at FYI

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has implemented new, stronger screening procedures for carry-on items at Fresno Yosemite International Airport. The new procedures, which were announced last year, and are being implemented at airports across the country, require travelers to place all electronics larger than a cell phone in bins for X-ray screening in standard lanes.

TSA officers will begin to ask travelers to remove electronics larger than a cell phone from their carry-on bags an place them in a bin with nothing on top or below, similarly to how laptops have been screened for years. This simple step helps TSA officers obtain a clearer X-ray image. Passengers may experience moderate delays at the security checkpoint while TSA trains officers on the new screening procedures.

TSA continuously evaluates and updates security procedures to stay ahead of evolving threats. The screening of large electronics is similar to how laptop computers have been screened for years. Passengers will be asked to remove electronics larger than a cell phone from carry-on bags and place them in a bin with nothing on top or below for better screening. TSA officers also may suggest passengers remove other select items, including food, from their carry-on bags. This is not required, but also helps x-ray operators get a clearer view of the contents of the bag and speeds up the screening process.

TSA officers will be stationed in front of checkpoint lanes to guide passengers through the divesting process. Travelers are encouraged to listen closely to their instructions and to place large electronics at the top of their bag for easier removal.

There are no changes to what travelers can bring through the checkpoint. Food and liquid items that comply with the 3-1-1 liquids rule, electronics, and books continue to be allowed in carry-on bags. The stronger security measures do not apply to passengers enrolled in TSA Pre✓® who are using theTSA Pre✓® lane

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