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Porterville Parks & Leisure Offers Free Pickleball Lessons

Considered one of the fastest growing sports in the United States, pickleball now has an outdoor facility in Porterville.  One of the two tennis courts at Zalud Park was converted to accommodate pickleball, with open play taking place on Saturdays or by appointment.

Haven’t played the sport yet?  No problem!  A local pickleball enthusiast has volunteered his time and talent to help promote the game.  He will be on hand to demonstrate and teach pickleball for the next three Saturdays, October 14, 21 and 28, starting at 9am.  The lessons are completely free and all the equipment will be provided.

Pickleball is a low impact paddle sport that is easy to learn and play.  It is traditionally played on a badminton- sized court with special paddles and perforated balls that are slightly smaller than a whiffle ball.  Created for all ages and skill levels, the simple rules of the game make it easy for beginners to learn, yet fast-paced and competitive for more advanced players.

Come out and see why pickleball is the latest craze among all ages.  For more information, contact Parks and Leisure Services at (559) 782-7536 or visit  Follow them on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook for all of the latest updates.

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