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Hot Rods & Bikes Rendezvous at Veteran’s Park

Next to the “Soldier’s Cross”, in the shadow of the “Med-a-vac” Helicopter, Hot Rods, Classic’s and bikes will roll into Porterville’s Veterans Park. The Rollin’ Relics Car Club of Porterville 16th Annual Car & Motorcycle Show will take place Saturday May 14th, corner of Henderson and Newcomb.

Car show registration is from 8-10am; the show starts at 9 am ending at 2:30pm with the awards and pictures of the car and motorcycle winners. Various merchants will present custom plaques to the entry of their choice, between 11am-1pm. Mayor, police chief, “CHP” and Veterans’ picks, will be award as “Special Trophies”, to the car, motorcycle or pickup of choice, at 1pm. Also included are two memorial trophies honoring “Leland Ware” and “Ron Pack.”
Six major trophies will be awarded to the cars or pickups in the following categories: Engine, Paint, Upholstery, Under Construction and Best of Show. Best Custom and Stock Bike, will conclude the major trophies.

Raffle prize tickets, crafts, food and drinks will be available for purchase all day long. Raffle prize winners will be drawn thru out the day. An event shirt with a photo of your car, pickup or motorcycle will be available for purchase in the vendor area.

The show is open to all year models, with no restriction, as well as under construction vehicles. DJ Roy Macomber will spin the music at the Friday Pre-show Cruise Night on the 13th and Saturday during the show.
Pre-registration fee is $25 and $30 on the day of the show, which includes event T-shirt and dash plaque.

Entry forms are available at Sierra Street Rods, Designs by Dillon and various businesses around town. A registration form is also located in the show program guide. This lists the schedule of events, interest articles, as well as show supporters from 2016 and 2015 are in the guide. Show program guides are located at various business and restaurants around town.

Friday Cruise night starts at 5pm with a show and shine, and ends whenever, with drawing for the 50/50. Spectators are free at both the Cruise Night, and Car and Motorcycle show.

Friday, May 13 from 5-7 pm, offers another opportunity for pre-registration. This will be held at the Porterville Pizza Factory. All proceeds from the show go to area youth and community programs and activities. For more show information call Danny at (559) 359-6099 or Dan at (559) 789-2260.

There is still craft vendor space available at $25 per vendor booth. This is an ideal event for revenue generating for traditional craft vendors, as well an excellent opportunity for business and community organization marketing. Non-profit, information-only booths are available at no charge, as the Rollin Relics Car Club continues to promote community education. For more vendor information call Phyllis at (559) 359-1135

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