We all benefit from a safe, reliable food supply produced by our very own American family farmers. To celebrate our local agriculture community, Tulare County Farm Bureau’s Young Farmers and Ranchers (YF&R) committee will host their annual Grocery Cart Race on Sunday, March 22 at 7am in Tulare to celebrate National Ag Week, March 16-22.
National Ag Week is a time to recognize and celebrate the importance of agriculture. Agriculture provides most everything we eat, use and wear on a daily basis. Farm Bureau and the Young Farmers and Ranchers program strives to educate those not involved in agriculture the importance of the industry.
“We look forward to the annual Grocery Cart Race every year. It’s a fun-filled event that serves as a friendly competition and a great way to give back to the community and to celebrate National Ag Week,” said Lauren Crivelli, this year’s chair of Grocery Cart Race.
“We’re excited to celebrate agriculture while filling our carts with food that is donated to a local food charity in support of those who experience food insecurity in our community.”
The race itself consists of teams that will compete in a timed event to fill their shopping carts with a predetermined list of food items. Grocery Cart Race takes place at FoodsCo, located at 1210 E. Prosperity Avenue in Tulare.
Last year, Grocery Cart Race teams raised approximately $1,250 for the purchase of food, which resulted in over a thousand pounds of food donated to the local food bank. Proceeds this year will also be donated to Tulare County FoodLink.
Young Farmers and Ranchers develop leadership skills while volunteering time as active, vital members of the county Farm Bureau. For more information about joining YF&R, contact the Tulare County Farm Bureau at 732-8301 or yfr@tulcofb.org or follow the group on Facebook.
Farm Bureau’s Young Farmers and Ranchers are active agriculturists between the ages of 18 and 35 and involved in production, banking, business, and many other areas of the industry. Young Farmers and Ranchers develop leadership skills while volunteering time as active, vital members of the County Farm Bureaus.