The California Chamber of Commerce has named 26 local chambers of commerce to receive the President’s Circle Award. Among those honored was the Porterville Chamber of Commerce. The award, first presented in 2009, recognizes chambers for excellence in business advocacy and helping their members comply with California employment laws.
President’s Circle Award recipients published vote records of their state legislators on key business issues, generated letters to state elected officials on issues of interest to members and participated in the CalChamber compliance product resale program at an exemplary level.
This was the fifth year of recognition for the Porterville Chamber, which has a very active Government Affairs Committee and serves as a voice for business representing the interests of local area companies. Included in its advocacy efforts is activity to support job creation legislation and oppose proposed bills that call for barriers to business operation and are deemed job killer legislation.
In 2013, 27 chambers received the award; in 2012, there were 23 recipients; in 2011, 21 chambers received the recognition; in 2010, there were 22 award recipients; and in 2009, 13 local chambers received the award.