Professor Toy and drummer Eric Anderson will be leading fun-filled adventures during Science Saturdays at 1pm at ImagineU Children’s Museum in May.
May 3 — Learn the Science behind Gum!
According to The Guinness Book of World Records, the biggest bubble gum bubble was roughly the size of an extra large pizza. Professor Toy will help children create their own bubble gum and get a taste to take home and enjoy. Science lessons will include sanitation, the science of chewing and the history of gum.
May 10 — The Science of Drumming
Eric Anderson of Anderson’s Percussive Services will have children explore sound vibration and the timbre (different sound qualities) of drumsticks and five-gallon buckets. The children will tap a pitchfork and then place it in a bucket of water so they can see the results. Then they will explore how one object (first the sticks, then the buckets) actually posses different timbres based on the way they can or cannot vibrate.
May 17 — Wired Science
Children will enter the shocking and electric world of Wired Science. Professor Toy will show them how to create a giant circuit using themselves as the conductor. They’ll also explore stationary static electricity, learn about test circuits and LED lights.
ImagineU is located at 700 E. Main St., Visalia. It is open Wednesday through Friday from 10am to 4pm, and Saturday from noon to 4pm. Admission is $5 for adults and children 2 and over. Children under 2 are free.
For more information, call 733-5975 or go to www.imagineumuseum.com.