‘Cesar Chavez: Celebrating the Legacy’ Celebration Poster Contest

March 31 marks the birthday of Cesar Chavez (1927-1993), a man who committed his life to helping and improving the lives of others. To pay tribute to his legacy of service, the Cesar Chavez Celebrating the Legacy Committee is organizing an art poster contest.

Youth in grades K-12 are encouraged to submit original artwork reflecting Chavez’ work, philosophies and values. Entries cannot be smaller than 8 ½ “x 11” or longer than 8 ½” x 14”. Prizes will be awarded to first, second and third place winners of different grade categories. Deadline to submit artwork is Friday, March 14.

Contest winners will be publicly recognized on Saturday, March 29, during the Cesar E. Chavez Celebrating the Legacy event to take place from noon to 3pm at Visalia Community Campus, 224 NW 3rd St. The event will feature activities for the whole family – from a youth mariachi group, guest speakers from the Cesar Chavez Foundation, a magician and informational booths.

The committee is composed of private citizens and community members. Some of the agencies the committee members represent include: the Dolores Huerta Foundation, Radio Campesina, SEIU Latino Caucus, Tulare/Kings Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Visalia Unified School District, Tulare County League of Mexican American Women, Porterville College M.E.Ch.A, GI Forum, Wild Places and Proteus, Inc.

For more information, contact Margie Perez at mperez@proteusinc.org or 733-5423.


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