To celebrate Read Across America and Dr. Seuss’ birthday, ImagineU Children’s Museum will present a special reading of “The Cat in the Hat,” along with birthday cake and the making of Dr. Seuss hats at 1pm on Saturday, March 1.
The National Education Association sponsors Read Across America, an annual reading motivation and awareness program that calls for every child in every community to celebrate reading on the birthday of beloved children’s author Dr. Seuss. The annual Seussical celebration kicks off a week of reading across the nation as NEA members gather students, parents and community members together to share their love of reading.
In May 1997, a small reading task force at NEA came up with the idea. “Let’s create a day to celebrate reading,” the group decided. “We hold pep rallies to get kids excited about football. We assemble to remember that Character Counts. Why don’t we do something to get kids excited about reading? We’ll call it ‘NEA’s Read Across America’ and we’ll celebrate it on Dr. Seuss’s birthday.” And so was born on March 2, 1998, the largest celebration of reading this country has ever seen.
Motivating children to read is an important factor in student achievement and creating lifelong successful readers. Research has shown that children who are motivated and spend more time reading do better in school.
ImagineU is dedicated to “education through play” and celebrates literacy every Friday with storybook time from 10-11am. Volunteer Pierre Gaston is often the storyteller. He will be at the museum on March 1, with his Dr. Seuss hat, to read to the children.
ImagineU, 700 E. Main St., Visalia, is open Wednesday through Friday from 10-4 and Saturday from 12-4. Cost is $5 for adults and children 2 and over. Children under 2 are free.
For more information, call 733-5975 or go to www.imagineumuseum.com