The Head Line in your hands illustrates the unique operations of your mental system. Just as your computer has a CPU (central processing unit), you do, too. You employ your mental system when you plan dinner, a vacation and your New Year resolutions. In hand analysis, the length, shape and quality of this line are associated with how you comprehend information and make decisions. The Head Line is associated with the element of air. Consider what happens in the air around you; information flows. This line is one of the three major lines in the palm. The other two major lines are the Life (see Nov. 21 issue) and Heart Lines.
The Head Line starts on the inside of the palm, above the inset of the thumb, and extends across the middle of the hand (see figure 1). Head Lines are different on every hand. They range in length from short to very long. The shapes are straight and flat, rounded downward, and deeply curving toward the wrist (see figure 2).
As invisible radio signals travel through the airwaves, so too do your ideas, thoughts, concepts, theories and perceptions surge though your internal airways. These channels represent your mental wiring system. Nature has created an etching in your hand to depict how your unique computer system is programmed. How you plan, reason, analyze and integrate ideas can be read from your Head Lines. The Head Line on your left hand shows how you think at home and the Head Line on your right hand shows how you reason at work, in the outer world.
Owners of short Head Lines tend to make decisions quickly. When I asked a hand analysis student with a short Head Line how she decided to buy her very lucrative stocks, she replied, “I did a quick analysis and bought!” She got a tip from a friend and simply liked the products she was investing in. People with short Head Lines draw conclusions more quickly than people with longer Head Lines and if the line is also clear, they’re not likely to change their mind.

The longer the line, the more time is spent ‘on-line’ considering and compartmentalizing information. When one of my students with a long, straight Head Line started a business he created a lengthy business plan, with extensive cost analysis, and purchased a high tech email system with elaborate features for maintaining contacts and selling products. He expressed many ideas to get his business off the ground and to expand. He’s also writing a book and leading workshops.
When the Head Line is long, clear of obstruction, extends straight across the hand and terminates about ½ inch before the edge of the palm (fig. 1) you’ll find the octopus brain. This person won’t feel fulfilled unless he or she has an avenue to use his or her multifaceted brain. All legs of the octopus must be in synthesis mode for the owner to feel a deep sense of satisfaction.
Children with long Head Lines need enough intellectual challenge to keep them busy with school and home projects otherwise they may very well create problems with siblings, friends or school mates.
One 8-year-old in my Project Snowflake showed me his hands with a broken Head Line. For a fraction of an inch the line was broken but soon resumed and continued toward the edge of the hand. His sister told me that he would stop talking midstream of telling a story. I asked her not to complete his sentences for him, knowing that he’d get back ‘online’ and complete his thought. He’s now 11-years-old and his Head Line is reattached.
Adults with this very long headline are capable of multi-tasking and require colossal complexity through projects at work and home. If you have this Head Line, a sure sign to know you’re not fully using your potential is relationship problems. If you initiate a problem in a relationship with your spouse or sister, then you have a juicy problem to wrestle with.
Check the quality of the line. Is your Head Line etched smoothly without obstruction? If yes, the more clear your thinking. Does it break then restart at a new point? If there is a break or interruption in the line, then you will most likely experience your mental computer flipping off-line and rebooting every now and then.

The deep, curving Head Line (fig. 2) signifies a person who is deeply reflective, creative and perceptive in their thinking. Deep meaning in life influences their ideas and considerations. They are sensitive and responsive to their environment including people’s feelings. The deeply curving Head Line implies a gift of hidden and consuming emotion, where there is no reason, and the genius to understand others who enter into their world of deep waters. If they aren’t already, I suggest to my clients with long, curving Head Lines to involve themselves in hospice or other deeply caring healthcare.
Keep in mind — no Head Line is better than another. The way a person processes information is simply the way a person processes information. Consider that everyone comprehends information differently, and people make decisions in different ways. A mentor once said, “Seek to understand, then to be understood.” Taking time to better understand your own methods for decision-making and considering another’s different way of decision-making can generate patience and compassion when relating to others.
Kay Packard is a Master Hand Analyst who lives in Three Rivers. For more information, visit