Reports from the branches of the Tulare County Library and Foodlink on their November “Food for Fines” program show the project was even more successful than expected.
In addition to the $2,405.60 in fines forgiven by the main Visalia Library, the branches tallied another $1,554.67, and $80 in cash was donated, for a total value for the foodstuffs of $4040.27.
“The real cost of the donated items is undoubtedly higher,” said County Librarian Jeff Scott. “Foodlink let us know the total for all branches, including Visalia, was 4,660 lbs. of food. The Foodlink folks are very pleased and are looking forward to being able to give many hungry Tulare residents a happy holiday. All 15 library branches are proud of our patrons for making this drive a great event.”