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Local Volunteers Sought for ‘Make a Difference Day’

The largest national day of community service is once again being celebrated in Visalia, as Make A Difference Day will be recognized on October 26.

Driven on the national level by USA Weekend and Points of Light, and brought locally to the community by the City of Visalia Parks & Recreation Department and the Urban Tree Foundation, Make A Difference Day is seeking volunteers for multiple revitalization projects throughout Visalia.

The list of city projects includes:

Make A Difference Day connects people with opportunities to serve, increases the strength of communities and promotes civic engagement. Through Make a Difference Day, the city of Visalia is joining hundreds of other organizations in the state and around the country. Over 150 volunteers are needed to complete all of the 2013 Make A Difference projects throughout Visalia. Individuals, families, service clubs, businesses, agencies and faith-based organizations are all welcome.

To sign up as a volunteer for Make A Difference Day, call Melissa Tracy at 713-4384 or visit and check “Upcoming Events.” You can also follow the conversation Twitter and Facebook with the hashtag # mdday13.

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